• Gender Annalysis and Assessment

    Gender Annalysis and Assessment

    The Gender Analysis and Assessment developed for USAID/Cambodia draws on two principal sources of information. It began with a review of documents on gender issues in Cambodia, from the USAID Mission, other donors and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and the government.

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  • Gender Equality Results in ADB Projects: Cambodia Country Report

    Gender Equality Results in ADB Projects: Cambodia Country Report

    The Cambodia Country Report discusses the gender equality results achieved for three projects in Cambodia - the Northwestern Rural Development Project (approved November 2001 for $27.2 million), the Health Sector Support Project (approved 21 November 2002 for $20 million), and the Commune Council Development Project (approved December 2002 for $10 million); summarizes factors that enhanced the quality of project design and implementation; and provides recommendations to maximize gender equity as a driver of change.

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  • Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    This report has been prepared pursuant to Commission on Human Rights resolution 2005/77 which requested the Secretary-General to report to the Commission at its sixty-second session on the role and achievements of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in assisting the Royal Government and the people of Cambodia in the promotion and protection of human rights. The report covers the period from 1 January to 16 December 2005.

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  • Violence Against Women in Cambodia Report 2006

    Violence Against Women in Cambodia Report 2006

    This report has explored the issue of violence against women in Cambodia in the context of domestic violence, rape and human trafficking. The aim of the report has been to highlight the current situation of each form of violence and to explore the obstacles that are faced in trying to combat such violence. Underlying these obstacles is the inadequacy of the RGC’s response and political will in addressing the issues and embarking on reform. Reform in legislation, education and in the social and cultural beliefs that all help to breed and perpetuate such violence.

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  • Human Rights Situation Report 2005

    Human Rights Situation Report 2005

    The end of 2005 was marked by the events of the arrests and detention of a number of human rights activists and leaders of civil society, who were then later released. These events caused delay in writing the report on the human rights situation for 2005 of one month later than in the previous year. We apologize to our readers and friends for this delay.

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  • Needs Assessment and Analysis of the Situation  of Cambodian Migrant Workers  in Klong Yai District, Trad, Thailand  (October 2005)

    Needs Assessment and Analysis of the Situation of Cambodian Migrant Workers in Klong Yai District, Trad, Thailand (October 2005)

    After the completion of the research focusing on Koh Kong and Trad LSCW was keen to carry out further work in Trad to support migrant workers. LSCW’s research revealed that great vulnerability exists for Cambodians migrating far from their homes and crossing from Cambodia into Thailand. Because they are illegal, they cannot access most of their freedoms and rights (even if they know what these are) and face many types of discrimination and exploitation.

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  • Continuing Patterns of Impunity in Cambodia

    Continuing Patterns of Impunity in Cambodia

    This report traces forms and patterns of impunity which successive Special Representatives of the Secretary General for human rights in Cambodia and other experts working under United Nations auspices have recorded in public reports over the past decade.

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  • The Demand for an International Standard Anti Corruption Law in Cambodia

    The Demand for an International Standard Anti Corruption Law in Cambodia

    The efforts to have an Anti-Corruption Law in Cambodia started in 1994. Each draft produced over the past 10 years has been below the international standards. The government recently stated that passing an international standard anticorruption law is a very high priority in its Rectangular Strategy for growth. At the Consultative Group meeting in December 2004 between the Cambodian government and donors, the government agreed to reach the benchmark of passing an international standard Anti-corruption Law by the end of 2005.

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  • Private Farmers Assistance Program

    Private Farmers Assistance Program

    In the fall of 2002, the PFAP program was evaluated by USAID. The Evaluation Team found that PFAP had successfully undertaken and implemented a wide and substantive array of activities. Very large numbers of rural residents had received training and technical advice in a variety of areas with many of the needed rural organizations also created andlor strengthened. New management, accounting and other systems in these organizations had been put into place, dozens of business plans had been prepared, additional credit had been provided and thousands of new land titles had been issued and hundreds of thousands registered.

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  • Annual Report 2005

    Annual Report 2005

    There can be no question that 2005 was a seminal year for OHCHR. It marked the moment at which, for the first time, the United Nations human rights Office was able to combine vision, strategy, personnel, resources and political support into the beginnings of an effective means by which to seek to address some of the greatest human rights challenges we currently face in the world today. In the Report you have before you, we seek to explain to you how this has happened and what more needs to be done to enable us to continue down the path on which we have embarked.

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  • Human Rights Situation Report 2004

    Human Rights Situation Report 2004

    After 2003 national elections there was a political deadlock between the three most popular political parties which continued until mid 2004. it has becomes almost customary that a political crisis occurs post every election. This situation mirrors the vulnerability of Cambodia democratic institutions and the immaturity of its politicians, who have dealt with the political crisis by modifying the Constitution in the wake of every election irrespective of the impacts on the spirit of the supreme law of the country.

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  • Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    Role and Achievements of the OHCHR Cambodia

    The present report describes the role and achievements of the Cambodia Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR, Cambodia) from January to December 2004 in assisting the Government and people of Cambodia to further the protection and promotion of human rights.

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