Open Letter To His Excellency Pa Socheatavong, Governor of Governing Body of PP
Regarding the above request, the Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM) would like to inform that: During a crackdown on a march by CNRP suppo rters on Friday, May 5, 2014, Khan Daun Penh security guards brutally assaulted Voice of Democracy journalist Lay Samean as he attempted to document newsworthy events near Freedom Park.
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CCIM requests investigation in open letters to city, MOJ
The Cambodian Center for Independent Media is releasing for publication two open letters sent to the Phnom Penh Governor and the Ministry of Justice l ast week requesting a formal investigation into the attack on Voice of Democracy reporter Lay Samean. Samean sustained serious injuries to his face and abdomen when Khan Daun Penh security guards attacked him as he attempted to cover an election march on May 2. The VOD reporter underwent facial reconstruction surgery at Bangkok’s Bumrungrad Hospital on Thursday, May 22, and returned to Phnom Penh today, where he continues to recover.
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Civil Society Condemns the Deadly Shooting in Kratie Province
With great concern the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC) and the NGO Coalition on the Rights of the Child (NGOCRC)1 condemn the deadly s hooting of 14‐year‐old Heng Chantha in a village of Chlong district, Kartie province on 16 May 2012. The violent and unjustified use of force against civilians marks a low point in this land case and in many other land dispute cases in Cambodia in recent years.
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Civil Society groups call on the National Assembly to delay the debate of the three draft laws related to judiciary
We, the undersigned civil society organizations, labour unions, the International Commission of Jurists and Human Rights Watch, call on the National A ssembly (“NA”) to delay the debate on the three draft laws related to judiciary, namely the Law on the Organization of the Courts, the Law on Organization and Functioning of the Supreme Council of the Magistracy, and the Law on the Statute of Judges and Prosecutors, which have been placed on the agenda of the plenary session of the NA scheduled for 20 May 2014, and which have not yet been publicly released for public consultation with civil society and relevant stakeholders. According to Article 35 and Article 49 of the Constitution, Khmer citizens have the right to participate actively in the political life of the nation and have a duty to take part in national reconstruction.
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Open Letter To His Excellency Ang Vong Vathana Minister of Justice
During a crackdown on a march by CNRP supporters on Friday, May 5, 2014, Khan Daun Penh security guards brutally assaulted Voice of Democracy journali st Lay Samean as he attempted to document newsworthy events near Freedom Park. During the attack, security guards kicked and beat Samean on his head, face, abdomen and hands to the extent that he lost consciousness. Following the attack, the security guards left Samean lying unconscious in the street and confiscated his Samsung Galaxy Grand mobile phone, which he used for reporting.
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World Press Freedom Day, CCHR calls on the RGC to respect freedom of the press and ensure journalists’ safety
On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, 3 May 2014, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) expresses its solidarity with and appreciation of journalists and other media professionals in the Kingdom of Cambodia (“Cambodia”), who, despite being increasingly faced with threats and violence, continue to report on the human rights situation in the country. CCHR also calls on the Royal Government of Cambodia (the “RGC”) to ensure freedom of the press and to ensure the safety of journalists.
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Phnom Penh, 01 May 2014 – The Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC) condemns in the strongest possible terms the violence meted o ut to unarmed protesters at today’s Labor Day rally in Phnom Penh. ADHOC monitors witnessed two people being beaten over the course of this morning, one severely, by public order guards. The incidents took place near Wat Phnom and Freedom Park. In the second incident a man sitting atop his motorbike was talking on his cell phone when he was singled out by the guards, tasered in the neck and beaten with fists and batons. When he tried to make his escape the guards threw their batons at him, knocking him down. When he fell to the floor the guards kicked and stamped on his head. The man was taken away shortly after to receive medical treatment. Phnom Penh’s public order guards have a well-deserved reputation for violence, regularly beating protesters. Their actions this morning again demonstrate that they function not to keep the public order but to intimidate and attack those who exercise their expressive rights.
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On the occasion of Labor Day, CCHR calls for renewed efforts to protect workers’ rights
On the occasion of Labor Day, 1 May 2014, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) calls on the Royal Government of Cambodia (the “RGC”) to comm it to protecting and promoting labor and workers’ rights in the Kingdom of Cambodia (“Cambodia”). Although human rights violations are rampant, the RGC has done little to concretely address these problems, despite its legal obligations to do so.
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CCHR condemns the reiteration of the ban on assemblies in Phnom Penh and urge security forces to refrain from using excessive violence against protesters
Today, ahead of the celebration of International Labor Day and the start of the council election campaign period, the Cambodian Center for Human Right s (“CCHR”) strongly condemns the reiteration of the ban on assemblies in Phnom Penh and urges security forces to refrain from using excessive violence against protesters.
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Open Letter from CCHR concerning Draft Cybercrime Law
The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) is writing to express its serious concerns regarding certain provisions of the draft Cybercrime Law, a copy of which CCHR obtained after it was leaked to the public in early April 2014, and the Royal Government of Cambodia’s (the “RGC”) refusal to publicly release an official copy.
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Two years on, CCHR mourns environmental activist Chut Wutty and denounces the continued culture of violence and impunity in Cambodia
Two years on, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) marks the second anniversary of the murder of Chut Wutty on 26 April 2012 and mourns his loss. To honor his passing, CCHR will be attending today’s event organized by the Natural Resource Protection Group at Veal Bei village, Paklorng commune, Modul Sema district, Koh Kong province where Chut Wutty was killed, to commemorate his death. We encourage the public to join us in paying our respects at the event, which will see activists, supporters and monks from all over the country journeying to Koh Kong province to offer prayers and blessings in remembrance of a man who dedicated his life to protecting the Kingdom of Cambodia’s (“Cambodia”) forests.
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