The State of Health of Migrants Report “Mandatory Testing”
Coordination of Action Research on AIDS and Mobility (CARAM Cambodia) is a membership of CARAM Asia which has partners over twenty in South and Southeast in Asia. The State of Health of Migrants – Mandatory Testing Research is a production of CARAM Cambodia and it should be seen as tools for advocacy to decrease the vulnerability for STIs and HIV/AIDS of migrant workers. The research was jointly with CARAM Asia partners as regional and country level and the research has been focused on the process of testing procedures with Cambodian migrant workers who seeks employment in destination countries like Thailand, Malaysia, and Republic of Korea and so on in order to be friendly tested at testing center before departure to work abroad and while the staying in destination countries required annually test and perspective of receiving country while Vietnamese migrant sex workers in Cambodia.
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The Charade of Justice
The Monitoring Office investigates human rights violations and assists victims in the legal process. Specially trained staff also monitor 18 prisons to assess prison conditions and ensure that pre-trial detainees have access to legal representation. The Medical Office provides medical assistance to prisoners and prison officials in 18 prisons and provides medical care and referrals to hospitals for victims of human rights violations. Project Against Torture provides comprehensive rehabilitation services to victims of torture and conducts advocacy against torture.
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Cambodia - Amnesty International Report 2007
The land crisis continued unabated; over 10,000 urban poor were forcibly evicted from their homes and thousands of rural dwellers lost their lands and livelihoods in land disputes. The authorities continued to use the courts in an effort to curtail peaceful criticism. Restrictions on freedom of assembly were maintained.
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Violence Against Women, How Cambodian Laws Discriminate Against Women Report 2007
In 1992, Cambodia ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). This international bill of rights for women contains provisions to reduce and eliminate violence against women. By ratifying this instrument, Cambodia committed itself to protecting Cambodian women from violence and eliminating discrimination against women.
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Cambodia: Country Effectiveness Country Brief
This country brief summarizes how the partnership of the Asian Development Bank and the Government of Cambodia has been instrumental to the development of the country.
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Cambodia: Country Effectiveness Country Brief
This country brief summarizes how the partnership of the Asian Development Bank and the Government of Cambodia has been instrumental to the development of the country.
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Economic land concessions in Cambodia A human rights perspective
Over 943,069 hectares of land in rural Cambodia have been granted to private companies as economic land concessions, for the development of agro-industrial plantations. Thirty-six of these 59 concessions have been granted in favour of foreign business interests or prominent political and business figures.
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Economic Land Concession a Human Rights Perspective
At the root of these concerns is poor enforcement of and compliance with the requirements of the Land Law and Sub-Decree on Economic Land Concessions, which govern the grant and management of economic land concessions. Essential pre-conditions to the grant of concessions, such as the registration of land as state private land and conduct of public consultations and environmental and social impact assessments, have not been met. Likewise, restrictions on the size and ownership of economic land concessions have not been properly enforced. Individuals have used different companies to acquire interests in multiple concessions, contrary to the Land Law, and to obtain adjacent concessions for the same purposes, circumventing the 10,000 hectare size limit.
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Economic Land Concessions in Cambodia a Human Rights Perspective
Over 943,069 hectares of land in rural Cambodia have been granted to private companies as economic land concessions, for the development of agro-industrial plantations. Thirty-six of these 59 concessions have been granted in favour of foreign business interests or prominent political and business figures.
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Cambodia’s Family Trees
One does not need expertise in human rights to recognise that many policies of the government have subverted the essential principles of democracy and due process, deprived people of their economic resources and means of livelihood, and denied them their dignity.
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Human Rights Situation Report 2006
After the arrest, detention, then release of human rights activists, leaders of NGOs, and lawmakers (National Assembly members) of the opposition party, which occurred at the end of 2005 and in early 2006, the situation in 2006 seems to have shifted from confrontation met with harsh criticism to an environment of cooperation with some criticism. New approaches taken by the opposition party and some human rights organizations eased tensions in 2006.
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