OHCHR Expresses Consternation at Violent Eviction
After nearly a month of protracted negotiations between the residents, the 7NG Construction company and the Municipality, aimed at finding a mutually agreeable settlement of compensation claims, the company unilaterally withdrew from the discussion and the suspended eviction order was implemented by law-enforcement agencies. The eviction was carried out in the middle of the night, with bulldozers, tear gas, rubber bullets, batons, and workers equipped with sticks and axes contracted to demolish the house.
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Civil Society Groups Strongly Condemn Illegal Eviction of Dey Krahorm
condemn the forced eviction of Dey Krahorm residents which began at 6 a.m. on Saturday 24 January, 2009. This was carried out by over 300 police officers and up to 500 breakers hired by the private company 7NG
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Civil Society Groups Strongly Condemn Illegal Eviction of Dey Krahorm
Phnom Penh, CAMBODIA ‐ We strongly condemn the forced eviction of DeyKrahorm residents which began at 6 a.m. on Saturday 24 January, 2009.This was carried out by over 300 police officers and up to 500 breakers hired by the private company 7NG. It is yet another example of the violent evictions taking place across Cambodia which are in danger of destabilizing the country.
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Opening Remarks by Christophe Peschoux, OHCHR Cambodia Representative, at Workshop on OPCAT
In 2006, the Royal Government reaffirmed its commitment to preventing torture by ratifying the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, known as OPCAT. Cambodia can be proud to be one of the first countries in this region to ratify the Protocol and it is still the only ASEAN country to have done so.
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Cambodia: Supreme Court Tested by Labor Leader’s Murder Case
Human Rights Watch welcomes the Cambodian Supreme Court decision on December 31,2008 , to release Born Samnag and Sok Sam Oeun on bail and send the case back to the court of Appeals to be reinvestigated. The two men have spent close to five years in prison on charges of killing labor leader Chea Cichea in a judicial process marred by political interference, intimidation of witnesses, and other violations of international legal standards.
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Cambodia: Denial of Free Speech in the Parliament Must be Removed
According to the Cambodian Constitution the country is supposed to be a liberal democracy, governed by the rule of law and respecting the international human rights norms and standards. This democracy is a parliamentary democracy with a representative parliament composed of a directly elected National Assembly and an indirectly elected Senate. It is equipped with a system of checks and balances, with separation of powers and an independent judiciary. Power is vested with the Cambodian people, who exercise it through the parliament, the government and the judiciary.
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Cambodia: Open Letter Regarding the Forced Eviction of Residents of Boeung Kak Lake in Phnom Penh Muncipality
We write to you to express our deep concerns about rececnt developments affecting residents of the Boeung Kak Lake area in central Phnom Penh. Some residents near the lake have been forcibly evicted, while others are facing eviction amid rising water levels, and threats and harassment. Government officials and company workers have threatened residents in and around Boeung Kak Lake and NGOs supporting them, when they have campaigned against the filling of the lake and imminent eviction.
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