• Defence Counsel

    Defence Counsel

    This morning, Michiel Pestman and Andrew Ianuzzi, defence counsel at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, filed a criminal complaint with the Office of the Royal Prosecutor attached to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court. The complaint alleges that Prime Minister Hun Sen and a number of other senior officials of the Royal Government of Cambodia—individually and through their participation in a common criminal plan—are guilty of interfering with justice and the rights of the defendants at the ECCC to a fair trial

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  • Defence Counsel

    Defence Counsel

    This morning, Michiel Pestman and Andrew Ianuzzi, defence counsel at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, filed a criminal complaint with the Office of the Royal Prosecutor attached to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court. The complaint alleges that Prime Minister Hun Sen and a number of other senior officials of the Royal Government of Cambodia—individually and through their participation in a common criminal plan—are guilty of interfering with justice and the rights of the defendants at the ECCC to a fair trial

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  • Defence Counsel

    Defence Counsel

    This morning, Michiel Pestman and Andrew Ianuzzi, defence counsel at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, filed a criminal complaint with the Office of the Royal Prosecutor attached to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court. The complaint alleges that Prime Minister Hun Sen and a number of other senior officials of the Royal Government of Cambodia—individually and through their participation in a common criminal plan—are guilty of interfering with justice and the rights of the defendants at the ECCC to a fair trial

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  • For Sunday 23 October 2011, on the 20th anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements Cambodia: “Paris Peace Agreements still relevant 20 years on” – UN Special Rapporteur

    For Sunday 23 October 2011, on the 20th anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements Cambodia: “Paris Peace Agreements still relevant 20 years on” – UN Special Rapporteur

    GENEVA – “Twenty years ago, the Paris Peace Agreements set down a clear vision of a new Cambodia built on the bedrock of human rights, democracy and the rule of law,” recalled the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Surya P. Subedi, on the twentieth anniversary of the pacts that started the process of bringing peace to Cambodia after two decades of conflict.

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  • For Sunday 23 October 2011, on the 20th anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements Cambodia: “Paris Peace Agreements still relevant 20 years on” – UN Special Rapporteur

    For Sunday 23 October 2011, on the 20th anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements Cambodia: “Paris Peace Agreements still relevant 20 years on” – UN Special Rapporteur

    GENEVA – “Twenty years ago, the Paris Peace Agreements set down a clear vision of a new Cambodia built on the bedrock of human rights, democracy and the rule of law,” recalled the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Surya P. Subedi, on the twentieth anniversary of the pacts that started the process of bringing peace to Cambodia after two decades of conflict.

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  • For Sunday 23 October 2011, on the 20th anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements Cambodia: “Paris Peace Agreements still relevant 20 years on” – UN Special Rapporteur

    For Sunday 23 October 2011, on the 20th anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements Cambodia: “Paris Peace Agreements still relevant 20 years on” – UN Special Rapporteur

    GENEVA – “Twenty years ago, the Paris Peace Agreements set down a clear vision of a new Cambodia built on the bedrock of human rights, democracy and the rule of law,” recalled the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Surya P. Subedi, on the twentieth anniversary of the pacts that started the process of bringing peace to Cambodia after two decades of conflict.

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  • For Sunday 23 October 2011, on the 20th anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements Cambodia: “Paris Peace Agreements still relevant 20 years on” – UN Special Rapporteur

    For Sunday 23 October 2011, on the 20th anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements Cambodia: “Paris Peace Agreements still relevant 20 years on” – UN Special Rapporteur

    GENEVA – “Twenty years ago, the Paris Peace Agreements set down a clear vision of a new Cambodia built on the bedrock of human rights, democracy and the rule of law,” recalled the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Surya P. Subedi, on the twentieth anniversary of the pacts that started the process of bringing peace to Cambodia after two decades of conflict.

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  • Draft Prison Law A Good Start, but National Assembly Must Address Flaws

    Draft Prison Law A Good Start, but National Assembly Must Address Flaws

    A draft prison law which is set to go before the National Assembly is a positive step for Cambodia’s prison system, but falls short of fully protecting prisoners’ rights in several key respects. The draft law’s shortcomings are detailed in a new briefing paper from the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO). The paper also highlights a handful of the law’s positive provisions.

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  • Draft Prison Law A Good Start, but National Assembly Must Address Flaws

    Draft Prison Law A Good Start, but National Assembly Must Address Flaws

    A draft prison law which is set to go before the National Assembly is a positive step for Cambodia’s prison system, but falls short of fully protecting prisoners’ rights in several key respects. The draft law’s shortcomings are detailed in a new briefing paper from the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO). The paper also highlights a handful of the law’s positive provisions.

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  • Draft Prison Law A Good Start, but National Assembly Must Address Flaws

    Draft Prison Law A Good Start, but National Assembly Must Address Flaws

    A draft prison law which is set to go before the National Assembly is a positive step for Cambodia’s prison system, but falls short of fully protecting prisoners’ rights in several key respects. The draft law’s shortcomings are detailed in a new briefing paper from the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO). The paper also highlights a handful of the law’s positive provisions.

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  • Draft Prison Law A Good Start, but National Assembly Must Address Flaws

    Draft Prison Law A Good Start, but National Assembly Must Address Flaws

    A draft prison law which is set to go before the National Assembly is a positive step for Cambodia’s prison system, but falls short of fully protecting prisoners’ rights in several key respects. The draft law’s shortcomings are detailed in a new briefing paper from the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO). The paper also highlights a handful of the law’s positive provisions.

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  • Recruitment Agencies Still Sending Maids to Malaysia, Two Days after Prime Minister Signs Ban Order

    Recruitment Agencies Still Sending Maids to Malaysia, Two Days after Prime Minister Signs Ban Order

    Cambodian recruitment agencies continued to send domestic workers to Malaysia on Monday morning, despite the Prime Minister’s written order on Saturday imposing a complete ban on the practice. LICADHO monitors at Pochentong Airport observed at least 25 Cambodian maids checking in for an Air Asia flight AK 273 to Kuala Lumpur on the morning of October 17, 2011. The maids were identifiable by their short haircuts and shirts, which were emblazoned with the name of their recruitment agency. LICADHO monitors also confirmed the women’s destination by speaking to recruitment agency staff who accompanied the women.

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