• Civil Society Expresses Concerns over Unlawful Grants of Economic Land Concession

    Civil Society Expresses Concerns over Unlawful Grants of Economic Land Concession

    We, the Coalitions of Civil Society Organizations which are comprised of the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGO Forum) and The Housing Rights Task Force (HRTF), would like to express our strong disappointment and concern at the Royal Government of Cambodia that has so far granted a lot of economic land concessions to a number of private companies inconsistent with Cambodian Land Law and its Sub‐Decree on Economic Land Concessions No. 146.

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  • Civil Society Expresses Concerns over Unlawful Grants of Economic Land Concession

    Civil Society Expresses Concerns over Unlawful Grants of Economic Land Concession

    We, the Coalitions of Civil Society Organizations which are comprised of the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGO Forum) and The Housing Rights Task Force (HRTF), would like to express our strong disappointment and concern at the Royal Government of Cambodia that has so far granted a lot of economic land concessions to a number of private companies inconsistent with Cambodian Land Law and its Sub‐Decree on Economic Land Concessions No. 146.

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  • Civil Society Expresses Concerns over Unlawful Grants of Economic Land Concession

    Civil Society Expresses Concerns over Unlawful Grants of Economic Land Concession

    We, the Coalitions of Civil Society Organizations which are comprised of the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), The NGO Forum on Cambodia (NGO Forum) and The Housing Rights Task Force (HRTF), would like to express our strong disappointment and concern at the Royal Government of Cambodia that has so far granted a lot of economic land concessions to a number of private companies inconsistent with Cambodian Land Law and its Sub‐Decree on Economic Land Concessions No. 146.

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  • Uganda’s Candidacy to the UN Human Rights Council

    Uganda’s Candidacy to the UN Human Rights Council

    Given these standards, we believe there are important steps that Uganda should take to improve protection of human rights. We hope you will seek specific commitments from Uganda regarding its willingness to enhance human rights protection and improve its cooperation with human rights mechanisms.

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  • Thailand’s Candidacy to the UN Human Rights Council

    Thailand’s Candidacy to the UN Human Rights Council

    We are a coalition of human rights nongovernmental organizations from across the world. We write to you concerning the candidacy of Thailand for election to the United Nations Human Rights Council.

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  • Angola’s Candidacy to the UN Human Rights Council

    Angola’s Candidacy to the UN Human Rights Council

    We have serious concerns about Angola’s human rights record, and its failure to fully cooperate with the human rights mechanisms of the Human Rights Council. We would like your government to consider these concerns before it decides how to cast its vote. An absolute majority of all the members of the General Assembly must support a candidate before it can be elected to the council.

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  • Demand Improvements by Human Rights Council Candidates

    Demand Improvements by Human Rights Council Candidates

    Candidates for the United Nations Human Rights Council should meet the standards for council membership even when running unopposed, a global coalition of human rights organizations said today. The General Assembly resolution that established the council states that members shall uphold the “highest standards” of human rights, but at least five of the candidates in this year’s election fall short of that threshold, the coalition said.

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  • The Global Witness Report Shifting Sand

    The Global Witness Report Shifting Sand

    With a GDP per capita of US$50,000, Singapore is among the richest nations in the world – but in terms of land it is very poor. The city state is three and a half times the size of Washington DC with nearly eight times as many inhabitants. Yet its diminutive stature belies its ambition. To maintain its status as a global financial hub, Singapore has expanded its surface area by 22% since the 1960s; an operation which involves extensive land reclamation and construction – up, down and outwards. The process requires vast quantities of sand. Singapore needs to source this from beyond its national boundaries and this is proving harder and harder to do. Among its neighbours, one government after another has limited or banned exports of sand to Singapore due to its potentially heavy environmental toll. These include Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. As each stops, others jump in. Most recently, Cambodia has become a major supplier of sand to Singapore.

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  • The Global Witness report Shifting Sand

    The Global Witness report Shifting Sand

    Singapore’s rapid expansion is driving an ecologically and socially devastating sand-dredging industry in Cambodia, according to a new report eleased today by Global Witness. This booming trade is being monopolised by two prominent Cambodian Senators with close ties to Prime Minster un Sen – despite a supposed government ban on sand exports.

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  • Angola’s Candidacy to the UN Human Rights Council

    Angola’s Candidacy to the UN Human Rights Council

    We have serious concerns about Angola’s human rights record, and its failure to fully cooperate with the human rights mechanisms of the Human Rights Council. We would like your government to consider these concerns before it decides how to cast its vote. An absolute majority of all the members of the General Assembly must support a candidate before it can be elected to the council.

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  • The Global Witness report Shifting Sand

    The Global Witness report Shifting Sand

    Singapore’s rapid expansion is driving an ecologically and socially devastating sand-dredging industry in Cambodia, according to a new report eleased today by Global Witness. This booming trade is being monopolised by two prominent Cambodian Senators with close ties to Prime Minster un Sen – despite a supposed government ban on sand exports.

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  • Demand Improvements by Human Rights Council Candidates

    Demand Improvements by Human Rights Council Candidates

    Candidates for the United Nations Human Rights Council should meet the standards for council membership even when running unopposed, a global coalition of human rights organizations said today. The General Assembly resolution that established the council states that members shall uphold the “highest standards” of human rights, but at least five of the candidates in this year’s election fall short of that threshold, the coalition said.

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