• Human Rights for Everyone: Celebrating Cambodia's LGBT Community on International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

    • Released Date: 16-May-2010
    • Publication: Press Release
    Human Rights for Everyone: Celebrating Cambodia's LGBT Community on International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

    Cambodia’s Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and its supporters will come together to celebrate IDAHO as part of Cambodian Pride Week 2010.

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  • How to close the LGBT Health Disparities Gap

    • Released Date: 21-Dec-2009
    • Publication: Report
    How to close the LGBT Health Disparities Gap

    LGBT rights have experienced rapid progress in the United States during the past decade. Non-discrimination policies protect LGBT people from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, 16 states have legalized same-sex marriage and public perception of homosexuality has improved. However, LGBT peoples quality of health is still lower than that of non-minority groups, due to ongoing harassment, discrimination and insufficient specific healthcare. An office for LGBT Health should be established, to provide necessary data for researchers and advocates, to ultimately close the LGBT Health Disparities Gap. 

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  • Building LGBT-Inclusive Workplaces

    • Released Date: 03-Jun-2009
    • Publication: Report
    Building LGBT-Inclusive Workplaces

    The main challenges for LGBT employees in a non-inclusive working environment are a lack of awareness regarding LGBT issues, discriminatory behavious, and exclusion from important connections. Organizations that work to promote and protect LGBT rights, should conduct diversity and inclusion programs, and help employers implement inclusive policies and practices, to enable a non-discriminatory working environment.

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  • A Failed Experiment - Why Civil Unions are no Substitute for Marriage Equality

    • Released Date: 01-May-2009
    • Publication: Report
    A Failed Experiment  - Why Civil Unions are no Substitute for Marriage Equality

    Civil unions have failed to supply LGBT people with the same opportunities that are provided through a legal marriage. While same-sex marriages provide increased social acceptance, and equal rights, civil unions lead to unequal treatment, discrimination and sometimes forced outing.

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  • Suicide Risk and Prevention for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth

    • Released Date: 01-Jan-2008
    • Publication: Report
    Suicide Risk and Prevention for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Youth

    The risk for suicidal behavior is significantly higher among LGBT youth, compared to non-LGBT youth. This risk can be reduced by ending discrimination and prejudices against LGBT people, and by building LGBT, youth and suicide prevention networks.

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  • An Epidemic of Homelessness

    • Released Date: 30-Jan-2007
    • Publication: Report
    An Epidemic of Homelessness

    According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, between 575,000 and 1.6 million young people are homeless and/or have runaway from home. While the total percentage of LGBT people among the population varies between three and five percent, 20 and 40% of the homeless youth identify as LGBT, highlighting the disproportionate amount of problems, such as discrimination and harassment, that LGBT youth faces today.

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  • Guidelines for the Care of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Patients

    • Released Date: 01-Jan-2006
    • Publication: Report
    Guidelines for the Care of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Patients

    LGBT people have specific needs regarding their healthcare, which health professionals should be aware of. Sexual orientation and gender identity or wrong perceptions thereof often cause discrimination, and restrict access to much needed health care for LGBT individuals. These guidelines explain in detail, how to create a welcoming environment and how to care for lesbian and bisexual women, as well as gay and bisexual men specifically.

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  • Too High a Price - The Case Against Restricting Gay Parenting

    • Released Date: 01-Jan-2006
    • Publication: Report
    Too High a Price - The Case Against Restricting Gay Parenting

    Numerous prejudices and misconceptions circulate within the United States, regarding same-sex parenting. Anti-gay activists are determined to criminalize the adoption of children by lesbians and gay men, although uncountable children would miss out on a chance for a loving family. Potential adoptive or foster parents should be evaluated individually, based on the ability to love, nurture and care for a child, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, and according to the Standards of Excellence for Child Welfare Services.

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  • Sexual Behavior, STIs and HIV among men who have sex with men in Phnom Penh, Cambodia 2000

    • Released Date: 01-Oct-2002
    • Publication: Report
    Sexual Behavior, STIs and HIV among men who have sex with men in Phnom Penh, Cambodia 2000

    Cambodias political and socio-economic development has included the nation into the worldwide process of globalization, which made Cambodians vulnerabel to the HIV epidemic, through increased international mobility, low education levels and poverty. Combined efforts of the government and NGOs, improving sexually transmitted infection (STI) case management, and strong promotion of condoms among the population have contributed to a recent decline of HIV and STIs.

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