Details case of media violation in Phnom Penh

Location Phnom Penh
Date of Event Mar 11, 2022
Last Update Mar 11, 2022
# of journalist(s) who were harassed or allegedly harassed 2

Assembly monitors and journalists who were observing / reporting on the NagaWorld strikers' attempt to resume their strike on 11 March (assembly recorded above) were told by authorities that they were not allowed to photograph what was happening. VOD reporters were threatened to delete their photographs as they tried to leave the scene: a woman journalist from VOD said that she and her foreign colleague were forced by plainclothes officer to delete the photos they had taken, and to show their permission letter. The female journalist added that the police attempted to take a video and asked her to introduce herself to the camera but she refused to do so. The reporter then alleged that the police chased her and her colleague away to prevent them from taking more pictures. They left immediately afterwards. As for NGO staff members, they were threatened to hand over their phones. A female journalist, who was mistaken for a striker, was pushed into one of the waiting buses.

References VOD | VOD