Details case of media violation in Phnom Penh

Location Phnom Penh
Date of Event Mar 12, 2021
Last Update Mar 12, 2021
# of media license(s) revoked 2

The licenses of San Prum News and the Cambodia Facebook Journalists Association were revoked by the Ministry of Information on 12 March. These revocations occurred after San Prum, who ran the pages, posted a picture on Facebook on 11 March 2021 of what he erroneously thought was the wrapped up dead body of a COVID-19 patient. It turns out that it was a golf kit wrapped in white packaging. The Facebook post was up for 10 minutes before he realized he made a mistake and took it down but Facebook users had already taken screenshots and reshared it on social media. San says that this was an unintentional mistake and regrets what happened. However, Meas Sophorn, an Information Ministry Spokesperson said that San fabricated the truth by posting the incorrect photograph which could have caused chaos and affected national security. Apparently, Prum had been warned in the past about such mistakes. Prum was also fired from his job as an advisor to the Information Ministry.

References Cambojanews | Others | Cambojanews