CHRAC Unsatisfied with Montagnard Repatriation Agreement


Publication : Press Release

The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 18 local human rights NGOs, wishes to express its dissatisfaction with the tripartite agreement reached on 21 January 2002 between the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Govrnment of the Socialist Republics if Vietnam on the repatriation of ethnic minority Montagnards who have fled from Vietnam to Cambodia. The agreement has failed to specify clearly the voluntary nature of the return of those asylum seekers, the UNHCR’s role, and standards of the repatriation of returnees to adequately ensure their protection and the exercise of their rights while back in their homelands.

Information Source : CHRAC Unsatisfied with Montagnard Repatriation Agreement

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