Judge Blunk’s resignation leaves little doubt as to RGC interference in Khmer Rouge Tribunal


Publication : Press Release

It was announced today, 10 October 2011, in a press release titled “Press Release by The International Co-Investigation Judge” (the “Press Release”) by Extraordinary Chambers of the Courts of Cambodia (the “ECCC”) that the International Co-Investigating Judge, Judge Siegfried Blunk, has submitted his resignation to the Secretary-General as of 8 October 2011. Judge Blunk was appointed in December 2010. In the Press Release it states that at the time he hoped to proceed with investigations into Cases 003 and 004 in the expectation that a previous statement reportedly made by the Cambodian Prime Minister during a meeting with the Secretary-General that these cases “will not be allowed” did not reflect general policy of the Royal Government of Cambodia (the “RGC”). The Press Release goes on to say that given numerous statements that can be perceived as interference into the investigation of Cases 003 and 004 by government officials, Judge Blunk has tended his resignation.

Information Source : Judge Blunk’s resignation leaves little doubt as to RGC interference in Khmer Rouge Tribunal

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