OHCHR Cambodia Questions Compatibility of Recent Guilty Verdicts in Defamation and Disinformation Cases with International Standards of Freedom of Expression
In response to the guilty verdict in a defamation case yesterday, brought against opposition Parliamentarian Ms. Mu Sochua, the Cambodia Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights emphasised the need to uphold the constitutional right to freedom of expression in Cambodia. This latest verdict marks the third defamation or disinformation conviction in just over a month.
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Mu Sochua Verdict: Another Blow to Cambodian Democracy
LICADHO condemns this morning’s court verdict convicting opposition MP Mu Sochua of defamation and ordering her to pay a total of 16.5 million riel (US$4100) in fines and compensation.
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Appeal for International Solidarity Support for NagaWorld Casino Workers in Cambodia
NagaWorld Casino action of anti-union and union busting activities is a throwback to the past when workers in the industry have to strike to get recognition. NagaWorld Casino action violated the premise of the Cambodian Labor Law by not using the Labor Law as a basis for its relation with the union.
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Cambodia: Respect for Suspects’ Rights will Prevent Deaths in Custody
Five suspects in police custody are known to have died in police custody in different locations in Cambodia over the first five months of this year. There have been allegations that they suffered torture or other forms of ill-treatment. However, the police have refuted these allegations and with medical certification as proof, claimed that the suspects had committed suicide.The reference to medical certification has led to further allegations that doctors whom the authorities called in to do the autopsies were themselves under pressure not to antagonize the police and arrive at a conclusion that did not differ from what the police version.
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Statement on Civil Society Concerned about Independence of Phnom Penh Municipal Court
The Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), a coalition of 21 NGOs, is expressing its grave concern about a recent “defamation” court case heard by Phnom Penh municipal court against Mrs. Mu Sochua, a female parliamentarian of the Sam Rainsy Party, on 24 July 2009. According to its monitoring of this morning court proceeding, CHRAC notes that the municipal’s prosecutor decided to charge Mrs. Mu Sochua of defamation after a press conference was organized by her at her party office, as a result of Prime Minister’s speech of “a strong lady” in April this year.
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UN Human Rights Chief Welcomes Important Step Towards Establishment of ASEAN Commission on Human Rights
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay on Wednesday welcomed the endorsement by ASEAN Foreign Ministers of the terms of reference for the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights, which she called "an important step forward" in the establishment of a new mechanism to protect and promote the human rights of people living in the ASEAN region.
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Speech Advocates Rap Hun Sen On
The groups and advocates have noted a rash of attacks against journalists, lawyers, advocates, and parliamentarians over the past year that has severely restricted the space for press freedom and political speech in Cambodia.
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OHCHR Cambodia Regrets Eviction of ’Group 78’
We deplore that residents of Group 78 had to leave their settlement before their claims to land ownership had been adequately determined by the relevant judicial and administrative mechanisms. This eviction sends the singal to communities with similar claims that, no matter what their rights are under the law, development interests trump due process and land rights.
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