• Stop Forced Evictions: Protect People Living in Slums

    Stop Forced Evictions: Protect People Living in Slums

    More than one billion people live in slums. Governments often forcibly evict people living in slums, driving them further into poverty and into more precarious living conditions. Forced evictions are often accompanied by the use of excessive force by the police or other agents. This document contains illustrative examples of the catastrophic effects of forced evictions. It calls on governments to protect the right to adequate housing and the human rights of those living in slums.

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  • Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia

    Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Cambodia

    This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the Paris Peace Agreements in 1991, which set in motion the peace process in Cambodia. The mandate of the Special Rapporteur has its origins in these Agreements. It is commendable that Cambodia has achieved significant milestones in a number of areas. However, it still has a long way to go to fulfill its obligations under international human rights treaties ratified by the country. The international community should continue assisting Cambodia in its efforts to establish the rule of law and reconstruct State institutions.

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  • Strengthening Democratic and Decentralized Local Governance​ in Cambodia

    Strengthening Democratic and Decentralized Local Governance​ in Cambodia

    The Democratic and Decentralized Local Governance (DDLG ) Project, a partnership between the European Union (EU) and the UNDP, supports Cambodia’s decentralization process with a specific focus on strengthening good governance at the lowest sub-national level...

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  • Partnership for Gender Equity Phase III

    Partnership for Gender Equity Phase III

    The purpose of the Partnership for Gender Equity Phase 3(2011-2015) project is to build on the achievements made in the previous phases to ensure that the gender-sensitive policies and plans for Millennium Development Goal acceleration are actually implemented and make an impact on the status, rights and choices of Cambodian women.

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  • Linking Policy and Practice for Accelerating MDG1

    Linking Policy and Practice for Accelerating MDG1

    The LPP project focuses its work in four main areas; socio-economic growth and economic governance, human capital development, extractive industries (mining and oil and gas sectors), and the scaling up of practices to improve the incomes of those in the poorest provinces. In its efforts to achieve its aims, the project will undertake the following activities:

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  • ASEAN: Access to information essential for strengthening public participation

    ASEAN: Access to information essential for strengthening public participation

    Across the world, the right to information is widely recognised - by regional bodies and more than 90 countries alike - as a fundamental human right essential for the achievement of every person’s civil, political and socio-economic rights and as a mechanism to promote democratic accountability and good governance. These include the ASEAN member states of Indonesia, Thailand, and the federal state of Selangor in Malaysia.

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  • ASEAN: Access to information essential for strengthening public participation

    ASEAN: Access to information essential for strengthening public participation

    Across the world, the right to information is widely recognised - by regional bodies and more than 90 countries alike - as a fundamental human right essential for the achievement of every person’s civil, political and socio-economic rights and as a mechanism to promote democratic accountability and good governance. These include the ASEAN member states of Indonesia, Thailand, and the federal state of Selangor in Malaysia.

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  • ASEAN: Access to information essential for strengthening public participation

    ASEAN: Access to information essential for strengthening public participation

    Across the world, the right to information is widely recognised - by regional bodies and more than 90 countries alike - as a fundamental human right essential for the achievement of every person’s civil, political and socio-economic rights and as a mechanism to promote democratic accountability and good governance. These include the ASEAN member states of Indonesia, Thailand, and the federal state of Selangor in Malaysia.

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  • ASEAN: Access to information essential for strengthening public participation

    ASEAN: Access to information essential for strengthening public participation

    Across the world, the right to information is widely recognised - by regional bodies and more than 90 countries alike - as a fundamental human right essential for the achievement of every person’s civil, political and socio-economic rights and as a mechanism to promote democratic accountability and good governance. These include the ASEAN member states of Indonesia, Thailand, and the federal state of Selangor in Malaysia.

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  • UN Special Rapporteur on Cambodia urges authorities to stop the current draft NGO law

    UN Special Rapporteur on Cambodia urges authorities to stop the current draft NGO law

    The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Surya P. Subedi, urged the Cambodian authorities to carefully review the current draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organisations, expressing concern that “it may hamper the legitimate work of NGOs in the country.” “The Government of Cambodia should not proceed with the draft NGO law in its present form,” Mr. Subedi said presenting his annual report* on the situation of human rights in Cambodia to the UN Human Rights Council. “Of course, as a sovereign country, Cambodia is entitled to enact a law on NGOs, but the decision to adopt a law to regulate NGOs and associations is a critical initiative which requires careful attention, given its long-term implications for the development of Cambodian society - and in turn the country – itself.”

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  • UN Special Rapporteur on Cambodia urges authorities to stop the current draft NGO law

    UN Special Rapporteur on Cambodia urges authorities to stop the current draft NGO law

    The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia, Surya P. Subedi, urged the Cambodian authorities to carefully review the current draft Law on Associations and Non-Governmental Organisations, expressing concern that “it may hamper the legitimate work of NGOs in the country.” “The Government of Cambodia should not proceed with the draft NGO law in its present form,” Mr. Subedi said presenting his annual report* on the situation of human rights in Cambodia to the UN Human Rights Council. “Of course, as a sovereign country, Cambodia is entitled to enact a law on NGOs, but the decision to adopt a law to regulate NGOs and associations is a critical initiative which requires careful attention, given its long-term implications for the development of Cambodian society - and in turn the country – itself.”

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