• Families in Cambodia at risk of forced eviction

    Families in Cambodia at risk of forced eviction

    Amnesty International is calling on the Australian Government to urge Cambodian authorities to prevent the forced eviction of a community of around 80 families living near the new Australian embassy on the riverfront in central Phnom Penh.

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  • Intimidation Against Opposition MP Threat to Lift Mu Sochuas Immunity

    Intimidation Against Opposition MP Threat to Lift Mu Sochuas Immunity

    The Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) MS last Thursday announced her intention to sue the Prime Minister for defamation, in connection with comments he made in a public speech in Kompot province on April 4. Within 24 hours of this, a pro-government television station quoted a Prime Ministerial adviser as saying the government would counter-sue Mu Sochua and that all Cambodian People’s Party( CPP) MPs would support the lifting of her immunity.

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  • Intimidation Against Opposition MP: Threat to lift Mu   Sochua’s Immunity

    Intimidation Against Opposition MP: Threat to lift Mu Sochua’s Immunity

    The Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) MS last Thursday announced her intention to sue the Prime Minister for defamation, in connection with comments he made in a public speech in Kompot province on April 4. Within 24 hours of this, a pro-government television station quoted a Prime Ministerial adviser as saying the government would counter-sue Mu Sochua and that all Cambodian People’s Party( CPP) MPs would support the lifting of her immunity.

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  • Joint Media Release by the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) and the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
  • Cambodia: The State Has an Obligation to Protect Human Rights Defenders

    Cambodia: The State Has an Obligation to Protect Human Rights Defenders

    Unlike many other countries, Cambodia is bound to international human rights obligations including one towards its citiizens who wish to participate in the promotion of human rights. Thus, under the Paris Peace Agreements of 1991 that ended the conflict in that country, Cambodia undertakes, among other thighs, to support the right of all (its) citizens to undertake activities that would promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms.

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  • Cambodia: The Government Must End Discrimination Against Opposition Parties and Their Followers

    Cambodia: The Government Must End Discrimination Against Opposition Parties and Their Followers

    Cambodia has abandoned communist rule to supposedly embrace pluralism and liberal democracy for nearly twenty years. Yet it is still saddled with many communist legacies which have stunted its democratic development. One of such legacies is the staffing of all public institutions from top to bottom, down to the village level, by members of the ruling Cambodian People’s Party, which was formerly a communist party.

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  • APWLD Statement for Hon Mu Sochua

    APWLD Statement for Hon Mu Sochua

    Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) is deeply concerned about the acts of intimidation directed toward Hon. Mu Sochua, a National Assembly member of Cambodia. It is reported that she is under threat that her parliamentary immunity may be lifted.

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  • Facts and Figures Displaced Families

    Facts and Figures Displaced Families

    The resolution affirmed that forced evictions constitute a gross violation of human rights and urged governments to discontinue the practice. In terms of specific obligations, the Commission recommended that the government body evicting the persons must consult with affected persons prior to eviction.

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  • Justice and Law

    Justice and Law

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  • Joint Submission by Non-Governmental Organizations for the Universal Periodic Review of Cambodia’s Fulfillment of its Human Rights Obligations and Commitments

    Joint Submission by Non-Governmental Organizations for the Universal Periodic Review of Cambodia’s Fulfillment of its Human Rights Obligations and Commitments

    A joint submission on freedom of expression and assembly in Cambodia produced by a coalition of NGOS coordinated by the Alliance for Freedom of Expression in Cambodia and assisted by the Asian Legal Resource Centre (ALRC); for submission to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva to be included in its summary of stakeholder information for the Universal Periodic Review of Cambodia’s Fulfilment of its Human Rights Obligations and Commitments.

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  • Neak Chea Year 16 N312
  • Document Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions

    Document Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions

    The absence of secure tenure and resulting forced evictions represent clear violations of the Cambodian Government’s housing rights obligations, notably under article 11 of ICESCR. The absence of a comprehensive legislative framework and the failure of other mechanisms to guarantee tenure security, including an independent and effective court system, constitute a failure of the Government to fulfill its housing rights obligations. The arbitrary and often violent evictions that occur in the absence of suitable procedural protections such as genuine consultation, the provision of adequate compensation and the opportunity for legal remedies, constitute a violation of the immediate duty to prevent illegal forced evictions. Furthermore, the Government is failing in its obligation to protect against forced evictions by third parties, including private individuals and companies.

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