• Children First Year4 N12
  • Cambodia: Supreme Court Tested by Labor Leader’s Murder Case

    Cambodia: Supreme Court Tested by Labor Leader’s Murder Case

    Human Rights Watch welcomes the Cambodian Supreme Court decision on December 31,2008 , to release Born Samnag and Sok Sam Oeun on bail and send the case back to the court of Appeals to be reinvestigated. The two men have spent close to five years in prison on charges of killing labor leader Chea Cichea in a judicial process marred by political interference, intimidation of witnesses, and other violations of international legal standards.

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  • Public statement by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Case of Chea Vichea
  • Cambodia: Denial of Free Speech in the Parliament Must be Removed

    Cambodia: Denial of Free Speech in the Parliament Must be Removed

    According to the Cambodian Constitution the country is supposed to be a liberal democracy, governed by the rule of law and respecting the international human rights norms and standards. This democracy is a parliamentary democracy with a representative parliament composed of a directly elected National Assembly and an indirectly elected Senate. It is equipped with a system of checks and balances, with separation of powers and an independent judiciary. Power is vested with the Cambodian people, who exercise it through the parliament, the government and the judiciary.

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  • Statement by Christophe Peschoux, Representative of OHCHR Cambodia, on the Occasion of 60th Aniversary of UDHR that Organized by Cambodian Parliament
  • Cambodia: Open Letter Regarding the Forced Eviction of Residents of Boeung Kak Lake in Phnom Penh Muncipality

    Cambodia: Open Letter Regarding the Forced Eviction of Residents of Boeung Kak Lake in Phnom Penh Muncipality

    We write to you to express our deep concerns about rececnt developments affecting residents of the Boeung Kak Lake area in central Phnom Penh. Some residents near the lake have been forcibly evicted, while others are facing eviction amid rising water levels, and threats and harassment. Government officials and company workers have threatened residents in and around Boeung Kak Lake and NGOs supporting them, when they have campaigned against the filling of the lake and imminent eviction.

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  • Cambodia - Amnesty International Report 2008

    Cambodia - Amnesty International Report 2008

    Some 150,000 Cambodians were known to live at risk of losing their homes as land disputes and land grabbing proliferated. Forced evictions of poor communities continued and victims had limited access to legal redress. The ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) continued to consolidate power and maintained a grip over the judiciary, where deep-seated shortcomings remained largely unchanged. After considerable delays, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC, Khmer Rouge Tribunal) became operational; five arrests and the first hearing took place.

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  • Annual Activity Report

    Annual Activity Report

    continued to face a campaign of threats, intimidation and groundless legal actions to pressure them to give up their land. Since 2005, the 7NG company has been laying claim to the prime riverside land of Dey Krahorm in central Phnom Penh, based on an invalid contract it signed secretly with former community representatives. Faced with the threat of eviction and continued harassment, many residents agreed to the companys offer of alternative land at a relocation site outside of Phnom Penh or cash payments of far below the market value of their land. Other residents, however, remain on the site, struggling to retain their land or at least to obtain fair, market-price compensation for it.

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  • Neak Chea Year15 N308

    Neak Chea Year15 N308

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  • Plantations in the Mekong Region: Overview WRM Briefing, December 2008

    Plantations in the Mekong Region: Overview WRM Briefing, December 2008

    Eucalyptus, oil palm, rubber and jatropha monoculture plantations are expanding onto local communities’ lands and forests in the Mekong region’s countries. Promoted under the guise of development, poverty alleviation and even climate change mitigation, such plantations are resulting in severe social and environmental impacts. In spite of the difficult political scenarios in which they are established, local peoples are resisting through whichever means are available to them, ranging from broad alliances against plantations (such as inThailand) to nascent clusters of local resistance against plantations in Cambodia and Laos.

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  • Involving Around the Summary Arrest of Swin Vev and Yang 

Thorn, ADHOC’s Volunteer Human Rights Activists in Ratanakiri province
  • Violent Kampot Eviction Should be Halted

    Violent Kampot Eviction Should be Halted

    LICADHO calls for the immediate suspension of an ongoing violent eviction led by Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) soldiers in Kampot province which has seen numerous homes burned down and at least three people injured by beatings.

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