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No Court Date of Trial Start Time Monitor defendant Victim Charge Case ID
1,231 Phnom Penh May 04, 2022 09:22 AM Vicheth 1 1 Felony 1783
1,232 Phnom Penh Apr 27, 2022 09:45 AM Vicheth 1 2 Misdemeanor 1782
1,233 Phnom Penh Apr 08, 2022 09:36 AM Vicheth 1 1 Misdemeanor 1781
1,234 Phnom Penh Apr 20, 2022 10:26 AM Vicheth 1 0 Misdemeanor 1780
1,235 Phnom Penh Apr 08, 2022 09:52 AM Vicheth 1 0 Misdemeanor 1779
1,236 Phnom Penh Apr 19, 2022 08:55 AM Vicheth 1 1 Felony 1778
1,237 Phnom Penh Apr 20, 2021 10:33 AM Vicheth 1 0 Felony 1777
1,238 Phnom Penh Apr 20, 2022 09:28 AM Vicheth 1 1 Felony 1775
1,239 Phnom Penh Apr 20, 2022 10:15 AM Vicheth 1 0 Felony 1772
1,240 Phnom Penh Apr 08, 2022 09:06 AM Vicheth 1 0 Misdemeanor 1771