CCHR Fair Trial Rights Newsletter on Right to Presumption of Innocence “Uniform for Prisoners”
- Released Date: 05-Dec-2024
- Publication: Newsletter
Detail The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) releases its Fair Trial Rights newsletter focusing on the Right to Presumption of Innocence and in particular, how the convict uniform has been used for defendants during the hearing. Since 2009, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) has conducted trial monitoring of criminal trials at Cambodian courts to assess their adherence to both international and Cambodian fair trial standards and has been monitoring hearings in the Phnom Penh Court of Appeal specifically from March 2013, as well as the three other regional appeal courts: Battambang, Tboung Khmum and Preah Sihanouk Courts of Appeal. Monitoring at these three regional appeal courts has been carried out since 2022 until present.
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The Fair Trial Rights of Women Defendants
- Released Date: 04-May-2022
- Publication: Newsletter
Detail The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) has been conducting trial monitoring since 2009, to observe criminal trials in Cambodian courts and to assess their adherence to international and Cambodian fair trial standards. Since March 2013, CCHR’s Fair Trial Rights Project has been monitoring hearings in the Phnom Penh Court of Appeal.
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The rights of juvenile defendants
- Released Date: 04-Nov-2021
- Publication: Newsletter
Detail The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) has been conducting trial monitoring since 2009, to observe criminal trials in Cambodian courts and assess their adherence to international and Cambodian fair trial standards. Since March 2013, CCHR’s Fair Trial Rights Project has been monitoring hearings in the Phnom Penh Court of Appeal. This newsletter is part of a series of newsletters that analyze the findings of CCHR’s monitoring and discuss broader issues. The present newsletter focuses on the rights of juvenile defendants, in particular the right to privacy, the right to presumption of innocence and pre-trial detention.
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Right to Be Presumed Innocent.
- Released Date: 12-Aug-2021
- Publication: Newsletter
Detail Today, on 12 August 2021, the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (“CCHR”) releases a newsletter as part of a series of newsletters that analyze the findings of CCHR’s trial monitoring at the Phnom Penh Court of Appeal. The present newsletter covers the period from 1 November 2019 to 31 December 2020 and focuses on the right to be presumed innocent.
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The Right to Understand the Nature and Cause of the Charges and Explanation of Rights for Women Defendants
- Released Date: 04-Mar-2021
- Publication: Newsletter
Detail This newsletter is part of a series of newsletters that will analyze the findings of CCHR's monitoring. The present newsletter focuses on The Right to Understand the Nature and Cause of the Charges and Explanation of Rights for Women Defendants.
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The right not to be compelled to confess guilt or to testify against oneself
- Released Date: 16-Nov-2020
- Publication: Newsletter
Detail This newsletter is part of a series of newsletters that will analyze the findings of CCHR's monitoring. The present newsletter focuses on the right not to be compelled to confess guilt or to testify against oneself.
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Explanation of Rights
- Released Date: 06-Jul-2020
- Publication: Newsletter
Detail This newsletter is part of a series of newsletters that will analyze the findings of CCHR's monitoring. The present newsletter focuses on the obligation for judges to inform the accused of the charges against him or her, and the judges' duty to explain to the accused their right to legal representation or self-defense as well as their right to be silent in order to avoid self-incrimination.
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Right to be Present at Trial and Legal Representation
- Released Date: 22-Apr-2020
- Publication: Newsletter
Detail This newsletter is part of a series of newsletters that analyze our findings. The present newsletter focuses specifically on the issues facing those charged with crimes, in particular their access to legal representation and their right to be present at their own trial.
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The Right to Presumption of Innocence
- Released Date: 09-Jan-2020
- Publication: Newsletter
Detail This newsletter is part of a series of newsletters that analyze our findings. The present newsletter focuses on the right to Presumption of Innocence.
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The Right to Legal Representation and to be Present at Trial
- Released Date: 25-Apr-2019
- Publication: Newsletter
Detail This newsletter is part of a series of quarterly newsletters that will analyze the findings of CCHR’s monitoring and discuss its broader issues. The present newsletter focuses on the issues facing Cambodian citizens who are accused of crimes, in particular their access to legal representation and their right to be present at their own trial.
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Fair Trial Rights of Juveniles
- Released Date: 24-Jan-2019
- Publication: Newsletter
Detail The newsletter on fair trial rights is part of a series of quarterly newsletters that analyze the findings of CCHR’s monitoring and discuss broader issues. It focuses on the fair trial rights of juveniles, in particular the right to privacy, the protection of presumption of innocence and pre-trial detention.
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Fair Trial Right to the Right to Reasoned Judgment
- Released Date: 15-Nov-2018
- Publication: Newsletter
Detail One of the main fair trial rights issue in Cambodia is that people who are handed a criminal conviction are often not provided with the full reasons for the judgment, that is, the legal basis and the evidence used by the judges to reach their conclusion. Find out more by reading our latest fair trial rights newsletter which discusses the right to a reasoned judgment in Cambodia.
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