Legal Analysis of the Criminal Case Against Ex-Bavet Governor Chhouk Bandith and Police Chief Sar Chantha Arising from the Shooting of Kaoway Factory Workers on 20 February 2012


Publication : Report

On 25 June 2013, Chhouk Bandith, ex-Bavet City Governor (the “Defendant”), was found guilty of “causing involuntary bodily harm” (the “Charges”) under Article 236 of the Cambodian Criminal Code 2009 (the “Penal Code”), sentenced in absentia to 18 months imprisonment and ordered to pay a total of 38 million Riels (approximately US$9,500) in compensation.

Information Source : Legal Analysis of the Criminal Case Against Ex-Bavet Governor Chhouk Bandith and Police Chief Sar Chantha Arising from the Shooting of Kaoway Factory Workers on 20 February 2012