• Hun Sen Declares Election Win, as Opposition Calls for Investigation

    • Release Date: 01-Aug-2013

    Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday appeared in public for the first time since Sunday's election, saying the ruling Cambodian People's Party was ready to begin negotiations with the opposition party over the formation of the National Assembly. "We're prepared and open to political discussions between parties that have won seats on the leadership of the National Assembly," he said. CPP officials have said they won the election, 68 to 55, but opposition leaders say they don't accept those numbers and that a high number of irregularities marred the election process.

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  • Irregularities May Have Affected Election results: Transparency International

    • Release Date: 31-Jul-2013

    Irregularities May Have Affected Election results: Transparency International ​ A non-governmental organization observing the Sunday's election said that many​ irregularities may have affected the election results. At a polling station in Phnom Penh's Russey Keo district, a group of voters were complaining about duplicate names on voter lists and 'indelible ink' that could be washed off. Mak Kear is one of them. He said his wife's name appeared twice on a voter list and he could easily remove the ink from his index finger just some minutes after casting his ballot on Sunday.

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  • Most Cambodians Working Abroad Absent From Their Polls

    • Release Date: 30-Jul-2013

    Most Cambodians Working Abroad Absent From Their Polls Cambodia migrant labors working abroad couldn't come to cast their ballots in general election on July 28, according to their relatives in Prey Veng province. Villagers said their sons and daughters who are now working in neighboring Thailand couldn't afford to come to cast their ballots because of expensive travel fees.

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  • Election Result analysis [20130729 3pm]

    • Release Date: 30-Jul-2013

    From the Situation Room, experts discuss their opinion and analyse the 2013 election result in Cambodia. The show is very useful and interesting. The video is recommends by COMFREL to watch it and you will thump up.

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  • US Worried by Election-Related Irregularities in Cambodia

    • Release Date: 29-Jul-2013

    US Worried by Election-Related Irregularities in Cambodia​ The US State department on Monday urged all parties and their supporters in Cambodia election to act in an orderly and peaceful manner in the post-election period. The United States commends the Cambodian people for their active and peaceful participation during the national election, US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki told the media Monday.

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  • Debate for Cambodian National Elections 2013

    • Release Date: 29-Jul-2013

    Debate for Cambodian National Elections 2013

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  • Debate for Cambodian National Elections 2013 [Part Two]

    • Release Date: 29-Jul-2013

    The only 2013 National Election Debate, Organised by NDI and show on TVK on 21 July 2013

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  • Two Biggest Political Parties Claim Victory Too Early

    • Release Date: 28-Jul-2013

    Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy Meets Voters As Polling Station Continues​ ​ Cambodia opposition leader Sam Rainsy, who couldn't vote, met with voters on Sunday while Cambodians were voting in Kampong Cham province. Polling stations were buzzing with activity as voters came to cast their ballots.

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  • Cambodians Voters Wish Election Results Honored

    • Release Date: 28-Jul-2013

    Cambodians Voters Wish Election Results Honored ​ Voters lined up outside polling stations Sunday July 28 to cast their ballots in the general election to choose 123 representatives for the country parliament. Both biggest parties CPP and CNRP claimed their victory, a move independent monitors called "too early". Preliminary results are expected late on Sunday after the polls close. But official results are not expected for a month.

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  • Polls Open in Cambodia, Prime Minister Hun Sen Casts Ballot

    • Release Date: 28-Jul-2013

    Polls Open in Cambodia, Prime Minister Hun Sen Casts Ballot Voting kicked off in Cambodia early on Sunday with the incumbent Prime Minister Hun Sen and his wife are amongst the first to cast their ballots. Voters said they hoped the results would be accepted by everyone and that no major violence or issues will rise after the election results are revealed.

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  • In Preliminary Results, Ruling Party Seats Diminished in Election Win

    • Release Date: 28-Jul-2013

    In Preliminary Results, Ruling Party Seats Diminished in Election Win ​ Cambodia's ruling party has reportedly won in national elections Sunday, but it appears to have lost a significant number of seats in parliament. According to preliminary election figures released by Information Minister Khieu Kanharith, the Cambodian People's Party won 68 of 123 National Assembly seats. That's a loss of 22 seats from its sweeping victory in 2008, but it is still a majority, giving the CPP a continued hold on power. The CPP lost ground to an energized opposition, the Cambodia National Rescue Party, which won 55 seats, according to the early figures.​

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  • Massive Rallies on Both Sides as Campaigning Ends

    • Release Date: 27-Jul-2013

    Massive Rallies on Both Sides as Campaigning Ends Both the ruling Cambodian People's Party and the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party saw huge turnouts during campaigning on Friday, the last official day before Sunday's national parliamentary elections. Cambodian elections typically have a day of quiet before Election Day, drawing supporters out into the streets as candidates declared their intentions for governance.

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