• Land Victims Recall Violent Attacks on Their Hunger Strike

    • Release Date: 24-Sep-2013

    Land Victims Recalls Violent Attack on Their Hunger Strike ​ Hundreds of land victims in Phnom Penh returned to retrieve their belongings from authority of Doun Penh district in Phnom Penh after their hunger strike were cracked downed on Sunday night by groups of violent youth believed to have acted on behalf of authorities. Eleven people are injured after Cambodian police disperse opposition party supporters conducting a hunger strike over the disputed July 28 election result.

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  • 55 Lawmakers Elect Boycott Opening Assembly Session

    • Release Date: 23-Sep-2013

    Cambodia's king and 68 ruling party members went forward with an opening parliamentary session on Monday, but the National Assembly meeting was boycotted by 55 opposition lawmakers elect. The session follows July elections that the opposition says were tainted with irregularities and fraud that should be credibly investigated. Foreign dignitaries also attended the meeting, at the invitation of the king, but US Ambassador William Todd told VOA Khmer Khmer this did not mean the US fully endorsed the election. "America still believes that the election results still have errors and irregularities that need to be looked into," Todd told reporters at the meeting. "We also believe that to have a National Assembly that functions, you need two parties."

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  • Victim of Police Bullet Await for Justice

    • Release Date: 20-Sep-2013

    Family of Mao Sokchan who was shot dead, allegedly by police, hold 7th Day ceremony of his death while awaiting for justice. Chiev Sokvy, Mao Sokchan's wife, filed an official complaint against the authorities this week. Ten people were injured when police clashed with motorists who were angered by barricades at the bridge and attempted to tear them down. Prime Minister Hun Sen's advisor Prak Sokhonn, said investigation is underway.

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  • Police Block Monks from Delivering Petition To King

    • Release Date: 19-Sep-2013

    More than 150 monks gathered together on Thursday to submit a petition to the Royal Palace, asking King Norodom Sihamoni to postpone a National Assembly session on Sept. 23 that the opposition has threatened to boycott. The session is meant to ratify the July 28 election, which opposition leaders say they lost due to irregularities and fraud, and mark the formation of a new government. It will be presided over by the king, who has declined a request by the opposition to postpone, setting up a potential boycott that could prolong Cambodia's post-election political crisis.

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  • Protest Takes Break But Set Deadline For Their Demands

    • Release Date: 18-Sep-2013

    Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen met leaders of the country's main opposition party again on Tuesday, the day of crucial talks aimed at finding a way out of the country's post-election stalemate. Three day demonstration ended Tuesday after clashes between police and protesters over left one man dead and at least 10 people wounded. The political rivals met on Monday and found rare common ground. However the meeting failed to resolve the opposition's key demand for an independent probe of election irregularities. The opposition demonstrators set deadline for their demand or bigger demonstrations would follow.

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  • Opposition Gives Hard Deadline for Political Negotiations

    • Release Date: 17-Sep-2013

    Opposition Gives Hard Deadline for Political Negotiations ​ The Cambodia opposition says it is holding firm to a threat to boycott the Sept. 23 opening session of parliament, potentially stalling the formation of a new government, if a political solution is not found by Sept. 22, as leaders from both sides met for a day Tuesday. The Cambodia National Rescue Party has said election irregularities cost it a win at the polls July 28, and while ruling party officials say they are willing to find ways to improve the electoral system, they also say such reforms will take time. Some 10,000 opposition supporters held a third day of mass demonstrations on Tuesday, gathering at Freedom Park in Phnom Penh to continue pressing for political reforms.

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  • Cambodian Rivals Get Closer Over Disputed Election

    • Release Date: 17-Sep-2013

    Cambodian Rivals Get Closer to Deal Over Disputed Election​​​​ Cambodia's main opposition party leader Sam Rainy said a deal to end the deadlock over July's disputed parliamentarian election could end soon and a rally by its supporters went ahead on Tuesday without the violence and one man was shot dead on Sunday.

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  • Political Rivals Meet Following Weekend Violence

    • Release Date: 16-Sep-2013

    Cambodia's feuding political parties on Monday reached an agreement to establish election reforms, including the controversial National Election Committee, following a weekend of demonstrations that included violent clashes with police and left one man dead. The five-hour meeting, held at the National Assembly, included Prime Minister Hun Sen and members of his Cambodian People's Party, and his political rival, Sam Rainsy, president of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party.

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  • Victim Killed While Protesters Clashing With Police Cremated

    • Release Date: 16-Sep-2013

    Victim Killed While Protesters Clashing With Police Cremated The man believed to be killed police bullet shot into the head was cremated Monday. Mao Sokchan, 30, survived by four young children and his wife who said he was not a protester and was sitting on his motorbike at a road block which prevented his access to his house when he returned from work. Thousands of protesters have re-gathered in Cambodia's capital to challenge a disputed election result won by ruling party of Prime Minister Hun Sen.

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  • Protesters Clash With Police As Tension Rises Over Cambodia Election

    • Release Date: 15-Sep-2013

    Police used teargas, smoke grenades and water cannon to disperse opposition protesters after a rally on Sunday to push for an investigation into a July 28 election they accused of systematic fraud. A human rights worker claimed one protester shot dead and two others sustain bullet wounds to the legs as police moved in to arrest and disperse demonstrators. Police could not confirm the witness account.

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  • Police Disperse Crowds of Opposition Political Rally

    • Release Date: 15-Sep-2013

    Police Disperse Crowds of Opposition Political Rally ​ Police used tear gas and fired live bullets to disperse the crowds at a protest in Phnom Penh on Sunday (September 15) evening after the opposition party held a rally to challenge parliamentary election results on July 28, 2013. Protesters and residents attempted to remove barbwire barricades that police set up to prevent the crowds from reaching some government buildings and royal palace, being angry that that barricade blocked them from getting to their homes. The violence took one life and injured several. The Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) held the rally protesting against what it described as election fraud.

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  • One Protester Killed as Cambodian Political Crisis Escalates

    • Release Date: 15-Sep-2013

    One Protester Killed as Cambodian Political Crisis Escalates Violence erupted in the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh, on Sunday, as thousands of opposition activists protested the government's victory in a disputed election. Human rights activists said one protester was killed by a gunshot to the head during a street battle with police.

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