• The Use of Pre-Trial Detention in Cambodian Courts

    • Released Date 14-Aug-2013

    On 14 August 2013, TMP held a radio show addressing the use of pre-trial detention in Cambodian courts. As a general principle laid out in both domestic and international law, the accused person shall retain his or her liberty until proven guilty. Pre-trial detention shall remain the exception and the investigating judge may impose it only in specific circumstances determined under Articles 203 – 205 of the Cambodia Code of Criminal Procedure. However, TMP’s monitoring activities showed that pre-trial detention has been imposed in 80% to 88% of the trials monitored by the project. This radio show provided an opportunity to raise concerns over this worrying trend. For further details, please read the Briefing Note on the use of pre-trial detention in Cambodia providing concrete recommendations to the RGC published by CCHR on 14 July 2013.