• Activists Detained as Demonstration Crackdown Continues

    • Release Date: 06-Jan-2014

    At least five housing rights activists were detained for much of the day Monday, as a government crackdown on ongoing protests continues. Among the detained was Tep Vanny, an outspoken leader who has been to the United States on separate occasions to speak to officials about housing rights and forced evictions in Cambodia.

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  • ប្រធាន​គណបក្ស​សង្គ្រោះ​ជាតិ៖ ​ចៀសវាង​​អន្ទាក់​​នៃ​អំពើ​​ហិង្សា​​កុំ​ឲ្យ​​បាតុករ​​រង??

    • Release Date: 05-Jan-2014

    លោក​​ប្រធាន​សម រង្ស៊ី​​ និង​លោក​​កឹម សុខា​ អនុ​ប្រធាន​គណបក្ស​សង្គ្រោះជាតិ​ បាន​បង្ហាញ​មុខ​ជា​សារធារណៈ​ក្នុង​ខណៈ​ពេល­​ដែល​គណបក្ស​បាន​ធ្វើ​ពិធី​គោរព​វិញ្ញាណ​ក្ខន្ធ​អ្នក​ដែល​បាន​ស្លាប់​បាត់​បង់​ជីវិត­​ដោយ​សារ​កម្លាំង​​សមត្ថកិច្ច​របស់​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​បាញ់​សម្លាប់​កាល​ពី​ថ្ងៃ​សុក្រ។

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  • ក្រុមគ្រួសារ​កម្មករ​រោងចក្រ​ដែល​ត្រូវ​​បាញ់ស្លាប់ ទាមទារ​រក​យុត្តិធម៌

    • Release Date: 05-Jan-2014

    គ្រួសារ​កម្មករ​រោងចក្រ​កាត់​ដេរ​មួយ​ដែល​­ត្រូវ​បាន​បាញ់​ស្លាប់​ក្នុង​ការបង្រ្កាប​­បាតុកម្ម​ដោយ​ហិង្សាពី​សំណាក់​ក្រុម​យោធា​­របស់​រដ្ឋាភិបាល​នៅ​លើ​ផ្លូវ​វេងស្រេង​ក្នុង​រាជធានីភ្នំពេញ​នោះ បាន​ទាមទាររក​យុត្តិធម៌​ចំពោះ​ការបាញ់​សម្­លាប់​កម្មករ​នោះ។​

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  • Protesters Beaten, Ousted as Ruling Party Demands Negotiations

    • Release Date: 04-Jan-2014

    Cambodian police have forced anti-government protesters from their rally camp in Phnom Penh and banned any further protests against the government of Prime Minister Hun Sen. Hundreds of security personnel armed with batons and shields moved in on the camp in the capital city's Freedom Park on Saturday morning, causing hundreds of protesters to flee. Rights groups said the soldiers were backed by "thuggish civilians" brandishing pipes and beating protesters.

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  • At Least Four Protesters Killed in Clash With Armed Forces

    • Release Date: 03-Jan-2014

    Reports from Cambodia say four people have died and more have been wounded after Cambodian armed forces opened fire on a demonstration in Phnom Penh where garment workers are calling for higher wages.

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  • Four Killed as Riot Police Fire on Demonstrators

    • Release Date: 03-Jan-2014

    At least four people were killed and 23 injured Friday in a violent crackdown on demonstrating workers in a factory neighborhood of Phnom Penh. Thousands of workers have been demonstrating since Sunday, demanding higher wages to keep up with the cost of living in Cambodia. Hundreds of police fired live bullets into crowds of demonstrating workers, who threw stones at police in the Canadia Industrial Zone.

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  • US Condemns Violence in Cambodia

    • Release Date: 03-Jan-2014

    US State Department has expressed its regret for the loss of life in Cambodia and conde:00ed the use of violence in clashes between authority and workers. At least four people have been reported killed and 37 others wounded in a clash on Friday at a Phnom Penh garment complex. "We condemn violence as a means to achieve political or other objectives," Marie Harf, deputy spokeswoman, told a press briefing at the State Department.

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  • Several Protesters Arrested and Many Injured

    • Release Date: 02-Jan-2014

    Cambodian troops armed with batons and rifles broke up a protest on Thursday by textile workers demanding a doubling of wages as part of a nation-wide strike by unions allies with the main opposition party.

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  • Labor Demonstrators Injured in Clash With Elite Military Unit

    • Release Date: 02-Jan-2014

    At least 15 monks and five other people were injured in a violent crackdown on striking workers Thursday, after a special military unit was called in to deal with demonstrators outside a Phnom Penh factory. The clash, between demonstrators and troops from Special Command Unit 911, took place after protesters began throwing rocks at soldiers, officials said.

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  • Police And Worker Againt Each Other

    • Release Date: 01-Jan-2014

    Police And Worker Againt Each Other

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  • Negotiations Fail as Worker, Opposition Protests Continue

    • Release Date: 30-Dec-2013

    Tens of thousands of workers protested in front of the Ministry of Labor on Monday, after negotiations between labor leaders and the government failed to find a resolution to demands of higher wages in the face of a rising cost of living.

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  • ពលរដ្ឋ​កាន់​តែ​ច្រើនឡើង​ទាមទារ​ឱ្យ​លោក​ហ៊ុន​សែន​ចុះចេញ​ពី​តំណែង

    • Release Date: 29-Dec-2013

    មនុស្ស​រាប់​សែន​នាក់​បាន​ទាមទារ​ឱ្យ​លោក​­នាយករដ្ឋ​មន្ត្រី​ហ៊ុន​សែន​ចុះ​ចេញ​ពី​តំណែង​និង​បោះឆ្នោត​សារ​ឡើង​វិញ​ក្នុង​មហាបាតុកម្ម​របស់​គណបក្ស​សង្គ្រោះ​ជាតិ​នៅ​ថ្ងៃអាទិត្យ​នេះ​ដែល​ជា​មហាបាតុកម្ម​ធំ​បំផុត​ជា​ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រ​ក្នុង​រយៈ​ពេល​២​ទសវត្ស­រ៍​ចុងក្រោយ​នេះ ​ហើយ​មេដឹកនាំ​គណបក្ស​សង្គ្រោះ​ជាតិ​ចាត់​­ទុក​ថា​ ចំនួន​បាតុករ​ដ៏​ច្រើន​នេះ​ស្មើ​នឹង​ជ័យ​ជ­ម្នះ​របស់​ខ្លួន​លើ​ការ​បោះឆ្នោត​កន្លង​មក­។

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