• បាតុករ​ទាមទារ​ឲ្យ​លោក​ហ៊ុន សែន​ចុះពី​តំណែង ​ព្រោះ​ចង់ផ្លាស់​ប្តូរ

    • Release Date: 29-Dec-2013

    ប្រជា​ពលរដ្ឋ​ច្រើនសែន​នាក់ និង​បាតុករ​គាំទ្រ​គណបក្ស​សង្គ្រោះជាតិ​ នៅថ្ងៃ​អាទិត្យ ​បាន​រួមគ្នា​ដង្ហែ​ក្បួន​មហា​បាតុកម្ម​ឲ្­យ​លោកហ៊ុន សែន​ចុះចេញ​ពីតំណែង​នាយក​រដ្ឋមន្ត្រី និង​បោះឆ្នោត​ឡើង​វិញ។

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  • Workers Add Their Numers to Demonstrations

    • Release Date: 27-Dec-2013

    Thousands of workers demonstrated in Phnom Penh on Friday, joining with opposition protests that entered their 12th day. The workers called for a raise in their basic monthly salaries, while supporters of the Cambodia National Rescue Party are calling for a recall election and for Prime Minister Hun Sen to step down.

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  • Factory Workers Add Weight to Opposition

    • Release Date: 26-Dec-2013

    Thousands of factory workers took their protest to the streets on Thursday and joined the opposition party to demand a pay raise and better working conditions. The protest broke out after the government failed to reach an agreement on their demand for a $160 monthly pay. A labor council met on Tuesday and decided to pay them only $95. Some of the workers walked more than 10 kilometers to join the opposition rally at Freedom Park in central Phnom Penh.

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  • Thousands March in Streets on Capital on Rights Day

    • Release Date: 10-Dec-2013

    Thousands of Cambodian opposition supporters and activists, including Buddhist monks, took to the streets Tuesday to mark International Human Rights Day and call for improvements in the country's rights environment. Opposition leader Sam Rainsy led a crowd of some 6,000 supporters through Phnom Penh, despite warnings from authorities not to take to the streets. Supporters called for Prime Minister Hun Sen to "Step Down!" Despite police warnings, security forces allowed the march to go ahead, preventing the kind of violent clashes that have marked many demonstrations in Cambodia in the past. However, riot police were deployed in key areas, including outside the home of Hun Sen.

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  • 10-day Marches across Cambodia Calling for Justice & Peace

    • Release Date: 09-Dec-2013

    Starting December 1st, civil society groups and monks started long marches on five national roads to highlight the need for justice and peace in the country. The groups will converge into Phnom Penh on December 10, International Human Rights Day, and deliver to the National Assembly hand-written petitions by citizens across the country.

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  • Cambodia Ranked Most Corrupt Country in the Region

    • Release Date: 03-Dec-2013

    Cambodia is now Southeast Asia's most corrupt country, surpassing Laos and Burma on Transparency International's annual corruption index. Cambodia ranked 160 of 177 countries in the report, with its index score a mere 20 out of 100. "The government should not consider this as a critique, but as a mirror for improvement," Ok Serei Sopheak, head of Transparency International Cambodia, told VOA Khmer Khmer Tuesday.

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  • Analyst Skeptical of Cambodia Reform Promise

    • Release Date: 25-Nov-2013

    Dr. Sophal Ear, author of a book titled "Aid Dependence in Cambodia: How Foreign Assistance Undermines Democracy" has been invited back to Washington DC to talk about the lessons that Burma can learn from Cambodia during the country's transition to democracy.

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  • Housing Activist Released on Bail

    • Release Date: 22-Nov-2013

    The Cambodian Supreme Court on Friday ordered the release of housing activist Yorm Bopha, who has been held for 14 months on charges her supporters say were exaggerated in hopes of curtailing eviction protests. The court ordered Yorm Bopha, 29, released on bail, while it ordered the Court of Appeals to rehear her case. Hundreds of land and housing activists gathered outside the court in support of Yorm Bopha. After her release, she told journalists she was not satisfied with the decision, adding that she still worried she would be re-arrested and jailed again.

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  • Opposition Calls for Renewed Investigation of 2010 Bridge Stampede

    • Release Date: 21-Nov-2013

    Opposition leader Sam Rainsy on Thursday urged Cambodian authorities to reopen an investigation into a deadly bridge stampede during the Water Festival in 2010. Sam Rainsy, president of the Cambodia National Rescue Party, made his statement as Phnom Penh held a memorial service for the more than 350 people who died during the stampede, when festival goers panicked on a crowded bridge.

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  • Demonstrators Gather Ahead of Supreme Court Hearing on Jailed Activist

    • Release Date: 19-Nov-2013

    Housing rights activists demonstrated outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday, four days before judges there will decide on the case of Yorm Bopha, an activist whose supporters say she is being held without proper evidence. Demonstrators burned some 100 arrest warrants already issued by the investigating judge, Te Sam Ang, who ordered the arrest of Yorm Bopha, 29, in August 2012.

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  • On Tonle Sap, Collusion, Corruption Mean Illegal Fishing

    • Release Date: 15-Nov-2013

    Members of a fishing community in Battambang province say overfishing has increased in recent years, fueled in part by collusion between criminals and the authorities responsible for protecting them. Cambodia is facing a growing crisis from overfishing, as major fish stocks in the Tonle Sap lake are being depleted, diminishing a major source of protein for millions of people. In Kantrai village, Battambang province, fisherman Lorn Rim said the are "no fish now."

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  • Vendor Killed as Protesters Clash With Police

    • Release Date: 13-Nov-2013

    One woman was killed and at least five others were wounded when protesters clashed with police outside the home of Prime Minister Hun Sen on Tuesday. The woman was a rice vendor who was shot in the chest and died later in the hospital, after demonstrating workers tried to break through a police barrier outside the premier's home, rights workers said.

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