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  • Siem Reap Provincial Court Hears Deadly Land Dispute Case

    Scores of military police and as many as 100 villagers descended yesterday on Siem Reap Provincial Court for the start of the trial of nine villagers accused of robbery and assaulting police during a Chi Kreng district land dispute, rights workers and lawyers said.

  • Homeless Villagers Forced To Leaved Pagoda

    Oddar Meanchey province villagers whose homes on a disputed sugar plantation were destroyed on Friday are now being forced to leave the pagoda where they have taken up shelter, according to rights groups and community members.

  • 50 Samraong Homes Razed, Rights Groups Say

    Security forces surrounding an Oddar Meanchey province village on Friday buildozed and set fire to about 50 homes belonging to people involved in a land dispute with a sugar company, villagers and rights workers said.

  • US Ambassador Asked To Intervene in Radio Dismissals

    Well-known television newsman Soy Sopheap has written to US Ambassador Carol Rodley asking for her to intervene on behalf of four former Radio Free Asia employees who were fired last month, alleging that RFA had violated the Labor Law.

  • Defendants Released After Takeo Court Questioning

    Judge gives reporter and rights activists four days to find legal representation. A RADIO Free Asia reporter and two human rights activists charged with spreading disinformation were released after appearing for quesitioning before Takeo provincial court on Thursday. Source:

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  • Tension Builds in Disinformation Suit in Takeo Province

    More than two dozzen villagers scuffled with military police inside the Takeo Provincial Court compound yesterday in a vain effort to prevent authorities from detaining a fellow villager who was in jail after being accused of so-called disinformation by local Muslim leaders. Source:

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  • Kompongthom Authority Accused of Demolishing Pagoda-Kh

    ក្រុម យោធិនពិការបានថ្លែងឲ្យដឹងនៅថ្ងៃ៧ កុម្ភៈ ដោយចោទប្រកាន់អាជ្ញាធរសុ្រកសន្ទុកថា បានទៅបណ្តេញព្រះសង្ឃឲ្យរុះរើអីវ៉ាន់ចេញពីវត្តនិងជេរប្រមាថ ព្រះសង្ឃចង់ប្រើអំពើហិង្សាលើព្រះសង្ឃថែមទៀតកាលពីពេលថ្មីៗនេះ ដើម្បីយកដីធ្លីប្រគល់ឲ្យក្រុមហ៊ុនវៀតណាមឈ្មោះតាន់បៀន។ យោធិនពិការមួយរូបសុំមិនបញ្ចេញឈ្មោះបាននិយាយថា អាជ្ញាធរបានទៅបង្ខំឲ្យព្រះសង្ឃចំនួន៩ព្រះអង្គឲ្យចេញពីវត្ត ព្រមទាំងដឹកព្រះពុទ្ធរូបចេញផងដែរនៅក្នុងការប៉ុនប៉ងកម្ទេចវត្ត អារាមនោះចោល ដែលវត្តនោះសាងសង់ឡើងដោយការជួយឧត្ថម្ភពីសប្បុរសជនក្រៅស្រុក និងក្នុងប្រទេសដើម្បីរក្សាការគោរពបូជាសាសនារបស់យោធិនពិការដែល រស់នៅទីនោះ ៖ «អាណោចអាធ័មណាស់មើលទៅ៩ព្រះអង្គនៅហ្នុង រួចឡើងប្រក់តង់ពីលើហាលក្ដៅ»។

  • Exclusive Hun Sen’s Dirty Jobs

    Heng Pov was one of the police chiefs [of the city] of Phnom Penh, he was a key witness but also played an active role in the exactions made by the Prime Minister and his regime. Today Heng Pov is on the run, he provides [here] his exclusive testimony.

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  • ewtet

  • Statement of Heng Peov in Khmer

    rhUtmkTl´' fT© 2I 7 kkd° a qS~ 2006, xC¨ÆM aåtm† esnyI _eTa Gnru d½elxa FikarenAk¨g~ ®ksYgmha´pÊ nigCaT®I bkw ßanaykrdm½ Ân†hI unfl -Esn . enAk¨g~ eBlCamYyK~aenH x¨VÆM nrkßatMENgrbsx' ¨CÆM as~gkarbUl" is®kgu PMe~ Bj rhU tmkdl'ExmkraqS~ 2006 EdlCamxu tEM Ngrbsx' ¨tÆM SgBIq~S2001mk . enA´f©TI27 Exkkd° a q~S2006 eBlx¨sÆM ƒti enA‰breTs, naykrdm½ Ânr†I b sx' ¨VÆM nsueM TA®BHmhakß®tsIhmnu I [dkx¨eÆM cjBItEM Ng ehyI ®BHmhakß ®tk*VnLay®BHhtƒelxayl'®Bmtam .

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  • Statement Of Heng Peov

    Until 27 July 2006, I was the Major General of Ministry of Interior’s Under Secretary of State, and Personal Advisor to Prime Minister Hun Sen. At the same time I retained the position of the Police Commissioner of Phnom Penh until January 2006, a position that he had held since 2001.

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    PHNOM PENH - The first grenade explosion sounded like a large cherry bomb going off at a Fourth of July parade, according to Ron Abney, an American whose leg caught a pellet of metal shrapnel as he watched a noisy demonstration in front of the National Assembly building on Easter Sunday, March 30.

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  • whokilledcheavichea

    WHO KILLED CHEA VICHEA? was filmed in Cambodia from 2003 to 2008. Additional filming took place in Belgium, France, Finland, Netherlands, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States. For release in early 2010, with a total running time of 56 minutes. WHO KILLED CHEA VICHEA? is a co-production of Loud Mouth Films and the Independent Television Service (ITVS), with funding provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). The affiliated Chea Vichea Project accepts tax-deductible contributions through its fiscal sponsor, Asia Catalyst, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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  • Piseth Pilika

    Hun Sen refuses to confront the French magazine L'Express and/or Piseth Pilika's relatives before a French court. Hun Sen refuse la confrontation avec L'Express et/ou la famille de Piseth Pilika devant un tribunal français

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  • Butchers on a Smaller Scale: Hun Sen and the Cambodian People's Party

    On July 7, 1997, Hun Sen, the leader of the Cambodian People's Party (CPP), overthrew Prime Minister Norodom Ranariddh in a brutal, bloody coup. Two days of fighting left at least 58 people dead and hundreds wounded. Ranariddh's forces were overwhelmed

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  • Amend judicial laws: Kem Sokha

    During yesterday’s 18th annual memorial of the 1997 grenade attack on an opposition rally in Phnom Penh, Cambodia National Rescue Party acting president Kem Sokha called for the amendment of three controversial judicial laws passed last year that critics claim have further compromised the independence of the Kingdom’s courts. Sokha’s comments on the judiciary came as he was summonsed to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court for questioning on April 8 in connection with an unspecified case, his lawyer confirmed. The summons arrived just weeks after Prime Minister Hun Sen called on the courts to take action against the firebrand deputy CNRP leader for supposedly having admitted that he tried to topple the government following the 2013 election.

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  • Senator Stopped Over ‘Fake’ License Plate

    An opposition senator has written to Senate President Say Chhum complaining that about 30 armed police prevented him from traveling to meet his constituency in Oddar Meanchey province on May 10 because his license plate did not match his car. Sor Chandeth of the Sam Rainsy Party wrote to Mr. Chhum on Thursday to tell him the authorities stopped his car and demanded he remove his Senate license plates, as they were not properly registered to the vehicle he was in.

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  • Locals Questioned in B’bang Land Dispute

    Representatives of 57 families in Battambang’s Thma Koul district were interrogated by the provincial court all afternoon yesterday regarding a long-standing land dispute between villagers and the Ministry of Defense.

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