Cambodia: Sham Court Cases Undermine Rights


ការ​ចេញ​ផ្សាយ : សេចក្តីថ្លែងការណ៍

(New York) – Two criminal cases decided in Phnom Penh on December 27, 2012, demonstrate the Cambodian government’s flagrant misuse of the justice system to undermine rights, Human Rights Watch said today. Cambodia’s Court of Appeals upheld 20-year-sentences against Born Samnang and Sok Sam Oeun, convicted after a grossly unfair trial, for the 2004 murder of prominent labor leader Chea Vichea. In the second case, a trial court sentenced land rights activist, Yorm Bopha, 29, to three years in prison, along with members of her family on politically motivated charges for her efforts organizing peaceful protests against land evictions.

ប្រភពព័ត៍មាន : Cambodia: Sham Court Cases Undermine Rights


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