
A. ព័ត៌មានទូទៅទាក់ទងនឹង​ការ​ជំនុំជម្រះក្ដី

Appeal Court
  • Phnom Penh (2275)
  • Battambang (420)
  • Preah Sihanouk (155)
  • Tboung Khmum (211)
សរុប 3061
  • Defense (2678)
  • Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court) (235)
  • Civil Party (59)
  • Civil Defense (5)
  • Defense and Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court) (35)
  • Defense and Civil Party (25)
  • Defense and Civil Defense (0)
  • Defense, Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court) and Civil Party (5)
  • Defense, Civil Party and Civil Defense (0)
  • Defense, Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court) and Civil Defense (0)
  • Defense, Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court), Civil Party and Civil Defense (0)
  • Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court) and Civil Party (17)
  • Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court) and Civil Defense (0)
  • Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court), Civil Party and Civil Defense (1)
  • Civil Party and Civil Defense (1)
សរុប 3061
ចោទប្រកាន់ បទឧក្រិដ្ឋ 1311 បទ​មជ្ឈិម 1706 បទលហុ 43 សរុប 3061
ចំនួននៃជនល្មើស បុរស 3739 ស្ដ្រី 616 អនីតិជន 163 អ្នកតំណាងផ្នែកច្បាប់ 0 សរុប 4355
ចំនួនជនរងគ្រោះ បុរស 1672 ស្ដ្រី 926 អនីតិជន 195 អ្នកតំណាងផ្នែកច្បាប់ 50 សរុប 2598

ឧបសម្ពន្ធ​១ ជនជាប់ចោទជាអនីតិជន

25. Appeal Hearing  - [N/A (11)] [Absent (23)]

26. Sentense  - [N/A (3)] [I/U (81)]