ភាគីប្តឹងទាស់ |
- Defense (2979)
- Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court) (266)
- Civil Party (66)
- Civil Defense (5)
- Defense and Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court) (37)
- Defense and Civil Party (27)
- Defense and Civil Defense (0)
- Defense, Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court) and Civil Party (5)
- Defense, Civil Party and Civil Defense (0)
- Defense, Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court) and Civil Defense (0)
- Defense, Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court), Civil Party and Civil Defense (0)
- Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court) and Civil Party (17)
- Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court) and Civil Defense (0)
- Prosecution (Court of first instant or Appeal Court), Civil Party and Civil Defense (1)
- Civil Party and Civil Defense (1)
សរុប |
3404 |